In the evolving field of AI and deep tech, Skill Sync has become a key resource, addressing skills gaps and supporting innovation within Europe’s AI sector. Starting as a straightforward database, it has developed into a consultancy for businesses and academia, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the EIT AI Community.

The beginning

Skill Sync started with a clear objective: to create a comprehensive database of AI training courses in Europe. This project, led by Dr Magí Lluch-Ariet, a data manager and analyst at EIT Health, involved detailed manual data collection. Dr Lluch-Ariet believed that AI could transform Skill Sync from a static database into an active service offering personalised training recommendations.

Three years on, Skill Sync now identifies missed learning opportunities and provides tailored training suggestions to a range of users, including start-ups, large corporations, and academic institutions. The database, now managed and analysed by AI, remains current and comprehensive.

Collaborative effort

Skill Sync’s success is rooted in the collective efforts of the EIT Community’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). Each KIC contributed sector-specific insights, enhancing Skill Sync’s scope and effectiveness. Overcoming initial scepticism, fourteen organisations participated in the pilot, offering feedback that broadened the tool’s applicability.

Increasing impact

The EIT Community’s financial support, which started with EUR 65,000 and increased to EUR 240,000 for 2024, has been crucial for Skill Sync’s development. This funding has expanded the database to over 5,000 companies and the analysis of 35,000 courses, creating standardised profiles that improve its recommendations.

On average, each organisation using Skill Sync sees 50 employees enrolling in courses recommended by the platform. This supports skill development within organisations and increases the visibility of the EIT Community’s training programmes.

The future of Skill Sync

Skill Sync is committed to continuous improvement and user-focused development. Plans to expand into all deep tech areas will ensure its relevance across diverse sectors. Looking ahead, Dr Lluch-Ariet envisions a more open and collaborative tool, possibly integrating components from other organisations, while ensuring sustainable growth.

Dr Magi Lluch-Ariet, Data Manager and Analyst at EIT Health

What we achieved far surpassed our initial expectations. Now we have tens of thousands of references, compared to just the few hundreds or so we started with, generating incredible results and unlocking the power of data through AI.

Skill Sync’s development from a simple database to a consultancy tool highlights the importance of collaboration and innovation within the EIT AI Community. As it evolves, Skill Sync aims to support the upskilling necessary for Europe’s AI and deep tech sectors to progress.

Whether you are part of an academic or government institution, SME, or large corporation, explore Skill Sync to maintain competitiveness and innovation in today’s tech landscape. For software development companies interested in building plug-ins for Skill Sync, send your expression of interest to

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