
Disruptive AI 2024 is a program designed to boost AI innovation in Europe. It supports high-risk, high-gain ventures by offering personalised mentorship, networking opportunities and avenues for investment. The program aims to foster the European AI ecosystem by helping early-stage start-ups refine their innovations and strategies, gain visibility and accelerate growth.


  • Personalised mentorship: Receive expert guidance to improve your innovation and strategy
  • Investment opportunities: Present your ideas to top investors and strategic partners
  • Visibility and recognition: Gain significant recognition within the European Union AI ecosystem
  • Networking: Connect with top talent, investors and industry leaders
  • Accelerated growth: Obtain training and support to fast-track your AI technology
  • Cost savings: Access services valued at over €5000 for free



Who can apply?

Early-stage European AI start-ups with disruptive, high-risk, high-gain ideas are encouraged to apply. The program is ideal for start-ups that have been active for 1-3 years. It is not suited for individuals or mature scale-ups.
